Friday, April 20, 2012

Ted Nugent And The Secret Service

Ted Nugent recently spoke to members of the National Rifle
Association in Saint Louis Missouri during the NRA convention. In his
presentation he made several accusations against the Barack Obama
administration. Nugent referred to four of the Supreme Court Justices who
dislike the constitution and feel that Americans should not be permitted
to bear arms. That Obama and his top
advisors were evil and vile. One of the comments that he made was that America
needs to "chop their heads off in November." At that moment he was
trying to rally the members of the NRA to convince everyone in their lives to
vote for Mitt Romney and remove Obama and all those who supported him. Ted
Nugent also went as far as to say that if Obama was to become President again
in November, that by this time next year he would either be in jail or dead.
I do believe that Ted Nugent was referring to himself.
Either he would do something radical to land his self jail. or that he is going
to be irritated with America its Obama administration that he would take his
own life. Personally I do not believe that either will happen. Ted Nugent is
just as irritated with Obama as a lot of Americans are. Now the secret Service
has gotten wind of Nugent's rant and is planning to interview him in regards to
his comments. Ted Nugent is certainly not the first celebrity to denounce or
say something inappropriate about the current president. It wasn't that long
ago that Hank Williams Junior lost his place on Monday night football, Williams
made a comment about the golf game between Obama and house speaker John
Boehner. And We all know what happened to the Dixie Chicks after Natalie Maines
criticized President Bush's plan for Iraq and how she was ashamed that he was
from Texas. Over time there have been other celebrities who have made remarks
about the presidents administration.
I find it humorous that the secret service is making a issue
out of this, Ted Nugent rant, when they themselves compromised President Obama's safety at a brothel in
Columbia. What, were they thinking. I guess it is obvious they weren't thinking
at all. Several secret service agents were guzzling alcoholic beverages and boasting
about their jobs. Columbia is where a major portion of the drugs come from,
which land here in the United States. It is no secret that they have several
drug cartels in the US who report to their bosses in Columbia. The secret
service agents that were involved in this were sent over ahead of the
president's visit to secure President Obama's safety while in Columbia. By the
irresponsibility of these agents the presidents safety was by far more
jeopardized than anything Ted Nugent said at the NRA Convention in Saint Louis
Missouri. So are they trying desperately to take the attention off of
themselves, so that the public will focus on Ted Nugent and forget about their
blunder in Columbia.
None of us really know, how long this has been going on.
Have they participated in this form of activity in other countries? Is this just
an isolated incident? Regardless they had to have known that it would get out
eventually. Were they so naïve to think that because they were secret service
agent that everyone would keep this dark secret. If this be the case, how did
these guys make it past the first chain of interviews to be assigned to the
Secret Service. I will say this on the behalf of the Secret Service, please
keep in mind that these are just a few individual secret service renegades. The
secret service normally does a great job protecting the president and the first
family. The only reason this became public is due to the fact that one or maybe
two, agents decided that it was a good idea to challenge the bill for the
services which were provided. I presume that they were maybe intimidating the
employee of the Pley Club by their power status. If they had been smart they
would have just paid the bill and walked away from this whole ordeal, and no
one would have known. From what I understand from other articles, that once
things got out of hand that they tried to pay. By that time it was too late,
The news was out there. As far as the Columbia government is concerned these
guys did not break any laws. Prostitution is legal in Columbia. Now the federal
government would like us to believe that the whole thing was set up by corrupt
Columbian police officials to embarrass
the United States and President Obama. And it is possible that officials in
Columbia could have done this. These guys are supposed to be smart. they are
trained to be suspicious, of everything. So how is it that they didn't smell a
rat in the closet when it came to this ordeal. Why would they let their guard
down. When they know more about the illicit activities in Columbia than the
American public does. Or is it just purely irresponsible behavior?
If you remember at the beginning of this we were talking
about the Ted Nugent's rant at the NRA convention. During that presentation Ted
Nugent fully indorsed Mitt Romney. It is no wonder why Mitt Romney gracefully
declined the endorsement and would distance his campaign from Ted Nugent; after
the remarks he made at the NRA convention. It will remain to be seen as whether
Ted Nugent's endorsement welcomed or not will help Mitt Romney or hurt his
chances for election. I am certainly not an Obama fan, I cannot say that I am
particularly Happy with Mitt Romney However I do not feel that this country can
afford another four years of Obama and his administration. Whether I like the
current president or not the position of president should be respected by us

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