Monday, July 30, 2012

Standing Up For What You Believe In.

We have all heard about the big hullabaloo, over Dan Cathy, CEO of Chick-fil-a. Dan Cathy strongly supports  the biblical definition of marriage.  So strongly that Chick-fil-a, has donated several millions of dollars in support of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. As well as for traditional moral family values. Dan Cathy's Stance on this issue could wind up costing Chick-fil-a and its franchisees several millions of dollars worth of future business. This has not kept mister Cathy from standing up for what he believes in. It has come time for all Christians to stand up for what we believe in, in spite of what the cost might be. I see Dan Cathy's actions and views to be an inspiration to all of us, who believe in the teachings of the Holy Bible.
Politicians all over the country have said that they will ban chick-fil-a from opening in their city. While Michael Bloomberg mayor of New York city welcomes the fast food chain to open more restaurants in New York City. At the same time Christine Quinn a New York city council-woman who is currently in a same sex marriage. Supports kicking Chick-fil-a out of town. Mayors in cities such as Boston, San Francisco, and Philadelphia; are in support of keeping the fast food chain out of their cities. They all accuse Chick-fil-a of discrimination. Now look who is calling the kettle black. Is that not what these big cities are doing; discriminating  against Chick-fil-a for their religious beliefs. Even Washington DC has said that they will keep Chick-Fil-a out. Our nation's capitol city is going to discriminate against the fast food chain. The Jim Henson company is pulling its toys out of the kids meals, cutting off all ties to Chick-fil-a. This is totally understandable since Ceo Lisa Henson, is in favor of same sex marriages. Ms Henson has also directed that the payment received from Chick-fil-a will be donated to GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)   Councilman Jim Kenney of Philadelphia, the city of brotherly and sisterly love made a comment that there was no place in their city for that kind of hatred, in Philadelphia. I do not recall Dan Cathy saying that he hated anyone.

I really don't know if these politicians or blind or plain stupid. Chick-fil-a is a franchise company. This means that these restaurants  are owned by individuals. So when you are kicking the Chick-fil-a off of the university campus, you are kicking some poor business owner in the gut. When you ban one from moving into your city you are hindering the creation of new jobs. Now maybe it is just me, I would think that in a down-turned economy that creating jobs would be a good thing. Furthermore  are you not violating first amendment rights. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There is always this confliction about the separation of church and state. Since this is over the religious values of a man and his company it is not only about discrimination against Chick-Fil-a direct violation of the first amendment. I have not found anywhere or anything that says chick-fil-a is going to ask customers if they are gay; serving them according to what their answer is. So now city governments want to crucify a man and his business for their religious views. I find that funny. The message that I come away with, is that we want separation of church and state when it serves the needs of local government.

Not to worry because Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-a, also have supporters. Former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee is planning a Chick-fil-a appreciation day. As of the moment this article  was posted 410,000 Americans have pledged to eat at their local chick-fil-a, on Wednesday August 1st. These customers support his views on traditional marriages. It seems that a McDonalds restaurant has also jumped on to the support wagon.

 However on the flip side of that a gay and lesbian organizations are planning to have a same sex kiss day in front of selected chick-fil-a restaurants. Don't know about you but I find that rather repulsive. I am interested in what you have to say about this situation. I encourage all Christians to make a firm stand on your beliefs. It is the only way that we can reverse the moral decline of our country. God Bless America.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting how the party of 'tolerance' has its limits too. Or, "we will tolerate you, unless you disagree with us" Hipocracy at its finest hour! Go McDonalds!
