Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Human Trafficking, the Modern Day Slavery By Ron Downing

Human trafficking for sexual exploitation is a huge problem, which most of us are oblivious to. It is a colossal global problem that people need to take notice of. Human Trafficking is tied with imprisonment the illegal arms, as the second largest criminal industry.  Anyone can become a victim of human trafficking, though most of these victims are between the ages of 10 and 30 years of age. Consequently a majority of the victims are females, who serve their masters in the sex trade. In various aspects of the pornography industry the victims are often forced to work as Escorts, Prostitutes, Magazine models, Movie actresses and even in live sex shows.
The monsters that engage in human trafficking come in all professions, sizes, color and nationalities. According to my sources these monsters do a very good job of disguising themselves as well as their illicit activity. Quite often the victims of Human Trafficking are recruited in various methods Force which includes rape, beatings and imprisonment to manipulate the victims.  Forceful brutality is used to help break them down making them more manageable.  
Fraud is also a way that young women are recruited. This would entail spurious job offers. Women will respond to an ad for a position as a

maid, waitress or perhaps a dancer. Another deception tactic used is fictitious matrimony proposals. Then when they arrive at their destination they are taken into captivity and forced in to the sex trade. Coercion is more sinister the victims are forced to do what they are told through diverse terror tactics. Such as threatening the victims of beatings, death or perhaps the physical torment or death of a loved one in the country from which they were taken from. Human traffickers in some cases will present the victim with a transportation charge upon arrival which they can never pay back thus they are in bondage until they do.
A large majority of the victims which are trafficked into the United States come from Central America, South America, and Asia. I would have to say that this is largely due to the fact that American men have a strong appetite for Latin American women as well as Asian women. The traffickers use a wide variety of techniques to make their victims manageable. This can include daily beatings, rape, gang rape, confinement, starvation, shaming and a long list of emotional and mental abuse. Forced drug use is extremely common. This makes the victims easy to control.
Human traffickers will usually house their victims in houses in various neighborhoods. You could be living next door to one, and not even know it. If the victim is to be sold, they will usually put them up in a house, once they have been broken down. They need to move them as quietly and quickly so they do not raise any suspicions. I would imagine that would be done late at night or very early morning. If they are pimping the girls directly from that house these are some things to look for.
·       Large Consistent amount of traffic in and out of the house.
·       Variety of nice cars that you wouldn't normally see
·       People that do not appear to belong in the neighborhood.
·       Occupants do not fit the traditional family setting. ( Mom, Dad and a few kids)
·       Spotting several different girls who appear to live there, going in and out of the house, constantly escorted by men.
·       Any suspicious behavior, which you feel is out of the ordinary or odd.
·       How are they dressed?
·       How do they walk (Appear to walk lethargic , Head up or head down)
·       When you greeted them, did they talk to you? (While you were out getting the mail , or walking the dog etc)

If you suspect a house in your neighborhood, of being used for this sort of criminal activity call the proper law enforcement agency. Never ever confront them yourself. Don't put yourself in danger. This is the criminals livelihood expect him or her to protect it at any cost. First call your local police department to report your suspicions. If for some reason you feel uncomfortable notifying the police, then contact your local FBI field Office or the following agencies

 National Human Trafficking Recourse Center  1-888-373-7888 
 Homeland Security Blue Campaign  1-866-DHS 2ICE (1-866-347-2423)
I hope that you found this to be helpful and informative. If you suspect that someone is in this situation then pick up the phone and make the call you could save someone's life. Check back often as I will be posting more articles concerning this topic.

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