Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is Loud Music A Motive for Taking A Life?

I do not know about you, I really am bothered when some car or SUV pulls up around me, music so loud. So loud, that I can feel my car vibrating. If I wanted to listen to that garbage I would have it in my own car. For those of you that enjoy the music this loud, please has some consideration for those around you. Not everyone wants to hear this, or feel it for that matter. The one thing that we can all be certain of is that audiologist are going to have a lot of job security in the future. Because as you get older you are going to suffer, a significant amount hearing loss. You will eventually need hearing aids. I often get mad over this; I wish that I had a gun in my glove compartment or under the seat. Not to kill anyone but too disable the vehicle so that as I continued my journey I would not have to listen to it any longer. However, I never carry a loaded gun in my car, so there is no need to worry.
Under no circumstances is it ever Okay to hurt or kill someone for something as trivial as loud music, cussing, or drinking.  Unless you are being attacked or fearful, of losing your life; should you ever resort to this type of conduct. This is what Michael Dunn resorted to after he had asked some young men who he had pulled up next to him at a gas station in Jacksonville Florida, on November 23 2012. After he had asked them to turn it down, the teens did as he asked, for a moment. Knowing that it was going to upset Michael Dunn they turned it back up. According to Michael Dunn he could see, and thought he heard one of the teens, Jorden Davis threaten him. Then after seeing what he thought could be the barrel of gun, or a large stick. Dunn pulled the gun from his glove compartment. He put four bullets in the Suv. Now if I was being shot at and I had a gun I would definitely be shooting back. I think that most people would. There was no return gunfire. That is because there was no gun. As the Teens were leaving the scene Dunn shot at least 4-6 more times at the SUV. A total of 10 shots were fired into the vehicle. Jordan Davis had taken 3 of those bullets. If they were leaving the scene then there is no longer a threat. Therefore, why did he need to continue shooting? He didn't need to, Michael Dunn chose to.

When the teens left they drove to the plaza not far from the shooting. The police never searched the plaza, or the dumpsters around the plaza for a gun. This has led to a lot of criticism of the law enforcement agencies that were involved in the investigation. This causes a problem for the defense, because now they cannot prove beyond a shadow a doubt that Jordan Davis threatened Michael Dunn. To the best my knowledge, and from what I've heard while watching the trial. None of these teenagers had any prior police records. After emptying his 9 mm handgun, Michael Dunn sped off. He and his girlfriend registered at the bed-and-breakfast they had reserved. And then they ordered pizza. If he felt that he was justified in shooting at the SUV then why did he drive off? Why not stay at the scene and make a police report. Prior to this incident Michael Dunn had been at a wedding where he had been drinking. Yet supposedly it wasn't enough to impair his judgment.
So far Michael Dunn has denied that race had anything to do with this. It was all about Jordan Davis threatening him. And of course this makes sense, because to kill somebody over loud music would surely end in a verdict of guilty. While no one can confirm what Michael Dunn was thinking at that time we can surely speculate. Unfortunately we live in a society where we profile people by the way they look, the way they act, the way they dress, and their ethnic background. Now you have four African-American male teenagers riding around in an S UV listening to loud rap music, that a lot of people find offensive, and being somewhat disrespectful. For a lot of people that spells trouble. You be the judge.

Yet all three of the remaining teens have testified that Jordan Davis did not make any threats toward Michael Dunn. They also testified that the music was loud and that they couldn't hear anything Michael Dunn was saying. So if they could not hear Michael Dunn, then it is obvious, that if Jordan Davis had threatened Michael Dunn they would not have heard that either. According to Michael Dunn, the victim Jordan Davis was getting out of the vehicle. However, evidence shows that the trajectory of the bullets that hit the vehicle, it was not possible. There are so many things about this case that just don't add up.

It is this writer's opinion, that what we have here is a middle-aged man that made a very bad decision. I also believe that Jordan Davis and his friends, deliberately instigated Dunn's enraged state of mind. But in no way does that justify Michael Dunn's actions. I have serious doubts that the teens had a gun or any other weapon in the vehicle. If they had you can rest assure that they would returned fire, and would have been justified in doing so. It is also my belief that Michael Dunn might have consumed more alcohol than what he stated. This would have impaired his ability to make rational decisions. This whole thing is certainly a tragedy; several people's lives have been affected by this crime. I also have to wonder why this is just now coming to trial; this crime took place more than a year ago. It would appear to me that the memories of the witnesses wouldn't be as fresh. And that this would cause problems for both the defense and the prosecution. One would, also think that the more heinous crimes would go to trial much quicker.  All People need to be more respectful of others. People should not let trivial things, such as bad driving, loud music, and vulgar hand gestures, cause them to be enraged. Something that a friend told me, "Don't allow others to have free rent in your head." As you are running their dastardly deed through your mind; thinking about what you should have told them. Or what you should have done to them. They are driving merrily along, totally unaware that they have control over your thoughts.

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