Thursday, November 15, 2012

Petit Jean Mountain State Park

I spent my childhood as well as many of my adult years in the state of Arkansas. Due to some life changing events, I left there in 2002. I now live in the great North West, here in Oregon. It rains a lot during the fall, winter and the spring. It is really wet and yet we do not let it keep us from enjoying life. While I may enjoy living here in Oregon, where I can walk its sandy beaches I have very fond recollections of Arkansas. I can honestly say that Arkansas still runs deep within me, and probably always will. Growing up I developed a huge interest in Photography and Hiking which is a great combination. And like a lot of nature nuts, my favorite singers were John Denver, Michael Martin Murphy, and a few other folk artists. The same as many teen-age boys, I drove my Father crazy, with my semi-long hair, just below my collar. Now I have none to speak of, what's up with that? I even read a few of the books by Euell Gibbons. Once I became old enough to drive, I did a lot of camping on my own, not always by choice mind you, just the way things worked out. My favorite place to camp, hike and photograph was Petit Jean Mountain State Park.
Petit Jean Mountain is located near Morrilton Arkansas. It has an incredibly rich history. There is also a wonderful story for how this oasis of paradise got her name. Once you reach the top of the mountain, you will want to stop at Stouts Point. Located at the east end of the mountain, this is a great place to experience the true beauty of an Arkansas sunrise. It is here that you can find the sign which tells the story for her name. From this point you can also see the Arkansas River valley below.
On a clear day you can watch the eagles soar through blue skies. See the river barges as they make their way up the Arkansas River. The view from Stouts Point, is only one of her many treasures. You will find more of these treasures on Red Bluff Drive and all around her ridges
The Cedar Creek Trail  is another one of my favorite places. This is not a real hard trail, fairly easy and offers a lot to see. Other trails include the Cedar Falls Trail. This trail is a little harder, and well worth taking.  There is also the Canyon Trail . This is part of the Boy Scout trail.  Petit Jean Mountain State park has many trails, for those who have the aspiration and fortitude to take the journey Nevertheless if Hiking is not your image of fun or in the event you are unable to, because of health concerns. Do not lose heart. You can still enjoy her magnificence by visiting the many overlooks throughout the park. Red bluff drive is a must; last time I was there it was a very well maintained gravel road. I remember right there at the intersection, there is a little dairy bar. They were only open about nine months out of the year. I can tell you, they served some really good burgers, milk shakes and orange floats. I have been told by park officials that it is out of business though, hopefully someone will reopen it.
 After a long day of hiking and sightseeing, there is nothing like sitting back and enjoying a nice camp fire. Roasting hotdogs, making S'mores or just gazing at the stars, on more than one occasion I was invited, by my neighbor to join them around their campfire. I have met some of the nicest and most musically talented people while camping at Petit Jean State Park.

  If I tell you everything about her, you would have no reason to make the journey, to see her.  I talk about this place as though it was a person, a lady. Indeed I do, once you make the trip you will too. I made several trips to see her and photograph her. It did not seem to matter what time of the year it was she always gave me some great photographs, and a lot of good memories. Every time, that I was there I would hike down to Cedar Falls. Something about that place that would bring about calmness, it was a place to forget about the world an all of its problems.  Just when I thought, I had seen everything she had to offer. I would discover something new about her. She was always there for me, when I just needed to get away from things.
 Petit Jean has seen her fair share of marriage proposals, weddings, and Honey-mooning couples.

Petit Jean has so many things to offer, to so many people. I have not been there in a few years. I cannot imagine that too many things have changed. The park service is very diligent in preserving the park and keeping it as natural as possible. Although I understand that there has been some major renovations made to Mather Lodge at Petit Jean Mountain State park. This park has camping available for RVs as well as tent camping, boating, fishing. If you live in Arkansas and have not visited Petit Jean you are cheating yourself of a wonderful experience. If you are on the road just passing through the state you need to visit Petit Jean  and create some memories of your own, you will be so glad that you did.

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